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Fire Suppression System Maintenance

Whichever place you are getting a fire suppression system for, it is essential for the protection of life and property. At offices and residences, this protection can very well depend on making sure that the anti-fire system is in working condition.

This is why fire suppression maintenance and inspection should be a priority. Apart from ensuring the products are in prime condition to fight a fire, this maintenance also makes sure there are no false alarms, and any faulty components are fixed and replaced.

Global Alarms has plenty of experience with a range of latest products, with expert staff, which is dedicated to helping you keep your place safe. We can work with you on a plan that suits your needs and the location for which you want fire protection.

Kitchen hood Suppression Maintenance Company

People who own restaurants and diners know that the most important part of the safety is proper prevention of cooking fires. Professional kitchenhood suppression system maintenance is key to ensuring that property and business damage is minimal in these cases.

In the maintenance process, certified experts check the installation, and make sure that there are no hazards. Detectors are checked and the equipment, such as anti-fire agent containers, pipes, nozzles, and signals are inspected.

Process of Getting Lighting Signs


Call us and tell us about the kitchen hood products and services you require.


We meet and discuss the kitchen hood safety services that will best suit your needs.


We provide you with a price quote for fire suppression services, and sign the contract once you approve.


Pricing for fire suppression system maintenance starts from AED 2000.00


Kitchen hood suppression systems are a top requirement in big kitchens in restaurants and need proper maintenance from companies like global alarms that are experienced in fire fighting services.

asif javed

Global Alarms is among the top kitchen hood system maintenance companies in Abu Dhabi. They know the equipment in a fire system for a kitchen very well.

Fahil muhammed mk

Wet Chemical /Kitchen Hood Fire Suppression System

Wet Chemical and Kitchen Hood Fire Suppression Systems are specifically designed, tested, and approved/listed to provide fire protection for commercial kitchen cooking appliances, hoods, and ducts. These are classified as wet chemical pre-engineered fire suppression systems and can be found in all types of commercial cooking and food service facilities.

We can assist you with making the right choice of restaurant fire suppression systems for your application. Our product offering includes all of the major systems in today�s market. We appreciate the opportunity to design, install, service, and test & inspect your system. In the event you have a discharge, we will recharge your system, so that you are able to resume business with minimal interruption.

Our staff is trained and certified by the top system manufacturers to design, install, test and maintain restaurant suppression systems.

How Do Wet Chemical /Kitchen Hood Systems Work?

  • A fire starts in protected area.
  • Heat sensitive fusible link detectors will automatically activate system. If automatic actuation has not taken place, operate manual system by pulling handle or ring on manual pull station.
  • Cooking appliance fuel supply (gas and/or electric) is automatically shut off.
  • Fire extinguishing wet chemical agent is discharged through nozzles to protected area: cooking appliances, plenum and duct.
  • Wet chemical agent extinguishes by cooling grease surface and reacting chemically to produce foam layer on surface of grease.
  • Foam temporarily seals combustible vapors, stopping re-ignition.
  • Stand by with K-Class fire extinguisher. Use portable fire extinguisher if fire suppression system does not operate or if re-ignition/re-flash occurs.
  • Contact us to inspect and recharge system.

Wet Chemical /Kitchen Hood Fire Suppression Systems

Restaurant Fire Suppression Systems are UL listed as a complete system consisting of wet chemical fire extinguishing agent, agent tank, agent discharge nozzles, releasing device, fuse link detection, manual pull station, and gas/electric shutoff device. They are designed to discharge a predetermined quantity of fire extinguishing agent in accordance with UL test criteria and listing. These systems are recognized by NFPA 17A-Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems, and NFPA 96-Installation of Equipment for the Removal of Smoke and Grease Laden Vapors from Commercial Cooking Equipment.

They provide efficient, automatic detector response with fast acting fire suppression and no danger of re-flash or re-ignition. There is no need for a constant supply of agent, no need to manually shut off the fuel source (gas and/or electric) to the cooking appliance(s), and no danger of violent agent reaction that may spread flame or spill cooking oil that could potentially injure personnel.

Wet Chemical /Kitchen Hood Fire Suppression System � Test & Inspection

Only authorized distributors of your system should service, test & inspect, recharge or repair your system. Your system should be inspected at a maximum of 6-month intervals and immediately after major hood/duct cleaning. The system will be inspected overall and tested to verify automatic and manual actuation and fuel source shutdown. The fusible links will be changed and nozzle caps replaced if they are missing.

Vehicle Fire Suppression System

Whether it is an operator sitting high atop a loader or your children riding in their school bus, Our Vehicle Fire Suppression Systems are designed first and foremost to protect human life. Our systems are designed and installed to suppress a fire before it can reach the operator or passenger areas, quickly and efficiently.

City, transit and school bus systems are a critical component to meeting many communities. These vehicles are susceptible to fire for several reasons. They often operate steady for several hours at a time. They use flammable liquids in their normal operation. They also generate heat from their engine components which can ignite these flammable liquids and debris. In many communities transit bus plays a major role in providing daily transit to commuters while reducing the vehicle congestion on roads and highways.

The impact of a fire in a city or school bus is wide ranging. Just a few issues surrounding bus fires include passenger safety, costs to city or school, loss of passenger capacity, disruption of traffic and public relations issues.

Our automatic systems suppress the fire in its earliest stages before it becomes fully established and spreads into highly combustible areas. As a result, damage is limited and equipment down time is held to a minimum.

The systems offer a unique approach to fire protection of many of the fire prone areas of these vehicles. It detects fire using the proprietary red colored Detection Tubing. This heat sensitive tubing is pressurized and reacts to the heat and radiant energy of a fire by bursting, thus activating the fire suppression system.

The detection tubing is ideal for fire detection in buses as it tolerates the vibration, dirt, temperature extremes of the environments in which the buses operate. Also, as the systems are pneumatically operated, they require no power from the vehicle to operate and do not place additional strain on the vehicle�s electrical system.

Water Based System

Fire sprinkler systems are active fire protection systems designed to protect buildings from the outbreak of fires by sprinkling water over them. The fire sprinkler systems consists of a water supply system, connected to a distribution piping system that are in turn fitted with fire sprinklers that discharge water as a fine spray at the scene of a fire.

Automatic sprinkler systems still remain the most widely used fire protection system today, discharging calculated amounts of water for the risk involved following guidelines expressed in British, European and American Standards.

Activated when a sprinkler head detects heat from a fire, the sprinkler opens to release water directly over the fire. Pipework feeds from the sprinkler heads run to either the mains water or from a storage tank via a pump.

Our comprehensive design and installation service of sprinkler systems means that we can support your project from concept to completion. Both property protection or life safety systems are available, backed up by dedicated water supplies including; wet type, dry type, tail end and pre-action.

  • Wet Sprinkler System
  • Preaction System
  • Deluge System

Gas Based System

Gaseous fire suppression systems are gas suppression systems using chemical agents to extinguish a fire. Gaseous fire suppression systems are waterless, deploy quickly and most importantly cleanly without leaving water, particulate or oily residue on high value or irreplaceable assets.

Ideal for protecting areas where water can seriously damage equipment, gas extinguishing systems are excellent at providing localized fire protection.

Automatically extinguishing a fire without the need for intervention, gas extinguishing systems are suitable for clean air environments such as server rooms, data centers and telecommunications.

Depending on your specification and requirements, our team can help you select the right extinguishing agent for your application including inert and clean chemical gases:-

  • Inert Gas System
  • CO2 System
  • FM 200 System
  • Novec /Clean Agent System
  • Argonite System

A central extinguishant control panel monitors the protected environment, and is linked to a dedicated detection release system. Extinguishant discharge is activated through smoke detectors which are located within the protected area, ceiling and floor voids if necessary.

Early warning of a fire can also be achieved by installing a HSSD (High Sensitivity Smoke Detection) Aspiration system through Ultra Surefire. Potential fires can then be investigated early to prevent unnecessary gas discharge.

To complement your building fire strategy, gas extinguishing systems can be fully integrated with your building fire detection system for cause and effect.

Foam Based Extinguishing System

Foam suppression systems are fire suppression systems using foam to extinguish fires. Foam fire suppression systems are used to form a coherent floating blanket on flammable and combustible liquids to prevent or extinguish fires by excluding air and cooling the fuel. It also prevents re-ignition by suppressing the formation of flammable vapors.

During a fire, foam extinguishing systems spread large-scale foam blanket through foam pipes, foam monitors, sprinklers or nozzles. The foam is applied on the burning material, extinguishes the fire and serves as a deterrent against re-ignition.

Foam extinguishing systems are suitable for protecting high-risk areas, e.g. due to flammable liquids or plastics. The adjustable low to extremely high foaming option offers an optimal extinguishing effect for every type of risk.

Powder Based Extinguishing System

Dry Chemical Powder Fire Suppression Systems are fire suppression systems use dry chemical powder to extinguish a fire. When introduced directly to a fire, dry chemical powder extinguishes flames almost immediately. Dry chemical powder is intended for use in extinguishing fires involving bulk chemical agents and liquefied gases.

Powder-based systems are stationary fire extinguishing systems. Extinguishing powders are efficient and fast-acting extinguishants. The three-dimensional extinguishing effect of the powder cloud is caused by the suffocation effect and the so-called anti-catalytic effect, a chemical intervention into the combustion process.

Extinguishing powders mainly consist of non-toxic inorganic salts mixed with waterproofing and pouring agents. They are used in industrial environments for fires with solid, liquid or gaseous substances and for metal fires.

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